Make a Difference Today
We have teams of skilled workers ready to come to your site and provide quality labor solutions for your company. Whether your project is seasonal, temporary or long-tem, The Mille Lacs County Area DAC is available with a team of any size to suit your business' needs. Our supervisory staff provides transportation to ensure dependability and quality control that ensures consistency, time and time again. All you pay is the competitive hourly or per-piece rate based on a time study of the job(s) you would like completed.
Our program is designed to offer businesses a cost effective solution to their employment and production needs.
Let Mille Lacs Co. Area DAC Work For You!

At Mille Lacs County Area DAC we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.

But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now. 

Let Us Work For You!

Our Skilled Workers at your Site:

Do you have a need for well-trained workers? The training we provide the people we serve prepares them for the workforce. We can match a worker to a job at your facility and through combined supports we can help that worker achieve their employment goals. In this scenario, we offer on the job training, retraining, instruction, and transportation according to what your needs are. We can be completely involved in the process or minimally involved. This person would be an employee of your company, but have the additional supports needed for success.
Our Mission
To provide vocational and social opportunities for individuals with disabilities, to help them realize their full potential and to improve their quality of life as they grow in their community.

Our Workers, Combined Support:

We use our truck to pick up materials at your location that are needed to complete your project. We have a ready work force and guaranteed quality control, training, and supervision for every job we do. Once complete, our staff delivers your completed project, based on your schedule and specified instructions. The Mille Lacs County Area DAC handles all the payroll, training time, taxes, and insurance so you only pay for the completed product at a highly competitive per piece rate. 

Your Project Completed at one of our Facilities: